Stunning Websites!
We guide you to building the ultimate design and structure that a website can have. The details were painstakingly gathered throughout the years and with intensive testing so we can come up with these magnificent designs.
The engineering approach used in this process is cutting-edge and definitely top-notch in today’s fast moving world of technology and web design and development.
Super Fast Websites!
How fast? Two to three seconds, depending on server load and other anomaly’s.
According to Kissmetrics, 47 percent of consumers expect a page to load in two seconds or less. Kissmetrics’ analytics say that 40 percent of consumers will abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load.
This fact doesn’t affect just how quickly people will bounce off a page if it doesn’t load promptly. It has downright devastating affects on conversion rates too.
In fact, just a one-second delay in page load time can cut conversions by 7 percent. Amazon discovered this a few years ago. For that megasite, every extra second it takes a page to load costs the company an estimated $1.6 billion dollars in sales each year. Of course, a typical small business website won’t suffer penalties like that. But who wants to lose 7 percent of leads or sales to something so simple and so fixable?
We strive to ensure that you will have the fastest website possible due to our highly optimized code and design.
Disclaimer: (Speed also has a huge dependency on a good hosting provider. We highly recommend InterServer)